Universal Sun Productions

Oliver Stone - President

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Vice President

Angelina Jolie-Salvation - CEO

Casper Salvation-Vattiata- COO

James Haven - Executive Producer & Creative Director

Heber Jentzsch- Leader of Church of Scientology International in partnership with Universal Sun Productions.

L Ron Hubbard- Founder of Dianetics and Scientology and the reincarnated Buddha. One of the greatest Humanitarians of all time.

Psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and psyche oriented abuse victims can contact Citizens Commission on Human Rights- CCHR. Established by L Ron Hubbard in 1969 to help Psyche abuse victims and abolish Psyche.
Nice is not good & true.
Reference and factual evidence to prosecute psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and psyche oriented people.
Dr. Peter Breggin
1) Toxic Psychiatry
2) Medication Madness
3) Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry
Bruce Wiseman (President of CCHR)
Psychiatry 'The Ultimate Betrayal
Dr. Bonnie Burtow
The Revolt Against Psychiatry.
To find help with enlightening reading material and legal representation contact. A CCHR representative will be in contact with you to bring on small claims, higher claims civil litigation and criminal prosecution. Prosecute them for slander, libel, fraud, entrapment, harrassment in civil litigation and for Criminal Harassment, kidnapping, forcible confinement, assault with a corrosive substance with their injections and pills to cause an assault by the interns, security officers and psyche nurses with their manhandling as their injections and pills corrode and harm the brain and body.
Just give a detailed account of your situation by email and we will be there to help you. Just keep it serene, calm, civil and respectful.
Contact us:
Follow the 'Drug Withdrawal Regimen' found on this website to easily come off psyche drugs and substances safely, comfortably and easily for Optimal Health.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
(A branch of Scientology)

The Ten Indian Commandments
The P.A.S.S. Protocol
P - Political Ideals
A - Artistic Ideals
S - Scientific Ideals
S - Scientology Ideals
Political Ideals
The Green Party Revolution for the Ideal World. Charles A Reich. Angela Y Davis. Jesse Ventura. Elisabeth May A.I.M.- American Indian Movement - Thosh Collins. First Nations and Six Nations - Tantoo Cardinal.
Artistic Ideals
Oliver Stone (JFK, The Doors), Angelina Jolie (Beyond Borders, Unbroken), John Travolta (Phenomenon, A Civil Action), Arnold Schwarzenegger (Red Heat, Terminator 2) Michael Moore (Capitalism. A Love Story, Fahrenheit 9/11), John Lennon, INXS, Bryan Adams, U2, Depeche Mode, Foo Fighters, Tea Party, Nirvana, Billy Idol, Rage Against the Machine, Metallica, Megadeth, Train, Tears for Fears, Brother Cane, Sammy Hagar, Fleetwood Mac, Junkhouse, Machines of Loving Grace, The Clash, Filter, The Cure, Chip Taylor, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, The Doors, Elvis Presley, T Rex, NAS, Chuck D (Public Enemy), Dead Prez, Snoop Lion, Joni Mitchell, Buffy Sainte Marie, Amy Grant, Venessa Williams, Alicia Keys, Chantel Kraviasuk, Shakira, Jewel, Garbage (Shirley Manson) & Celine Dion.
Scientific Ideals
Dr. Peter Breggin (Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness, Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry), Dr. Eric Berg www.drericbergscientology.com Advanced Bio Cell www.advancedbiocell.com (Restorative, Alternative and Preventative Medicine), Burton Goldberg Group (Alternative Medicine), Harvey Diamond (Nutritional Science - Fit for Life), Nutraceuticals Network, Organic Farmers Network, Health Food Store Network, Green Energy Network, Tesla & NASA Network with David Suzuki, Stephen Hawking, Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Casper Vattiata-Salvation
Scientology Ideals
Dianetics 'The Modern Science of Mental Health', Clear Body, Clear Mind 'The Effective Purification Program', Scientology 'The Fundamentals of Thought', Self-Analysis, Criminon, Narconon, The Tone Scale Chart, ARC Triangle, Handling Suppression Booklet, Resolving Conflicts Booklet, Auditing with the E-Meter (Heber Jentzsch- Scientology International), Citizens Commission on Human Rights. (Bruce Wiseman)
New Policy
Heber Jentzsch will administer a test to determine if somebody has read Scientology books and viewed Scientology videos and is permitted to receive a Scientology membership.
Pacifist, peace loving non monetary system based Revolutionaries unless provoked by WOG SPs
The work of one of the greatest humanitarians of all time L Ron Hubbard.
In order for the revolution to take effect, everyone must be oriented in the P.A.S.S. Protocol. This is our Policy of truth. This makes for an ideal world in The Universal Mind.

Power of Attorney
Oliver Stone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Angelina Jolie-Salvation & Gaspare Salvatore Vattiata-Salvation (Omegaman Casper Salvation) have exclusive copyrights to all the content and work of Universal Sun Productions www.universalsun.org
Gaspare Salvatore Vattiata
Omegaman Casper Salvation

2 Big Daddys
Oliver Stone & Arnold Schwarzenegger & Big Mamma Angela Y Davis
World Equalism W.E.
In a humorous sense
'Chasing the light' is Oliver Stone's life experience in his everyday as he transcended into an artist, writer, director, humanitarian, political activist, revolutionary and devoted Scientologist in 'Universal Sun Productions' the ever evolving light of truth.


My Angelina Jolie-Salvation has the greatest loving heart and Humanitarian spirit which is expressed through her work as an advocate with the Flower King Revolution.
My Queen of Angels of Salvation.

The Angelina Jolie Revolution
The Universal Solution
For the United Nations
The 4 Step Plan to end poverty, crime, conflict, illness, pollution and war all over the world.
1) The Emotional Tone Scale Booklet. To make people self aware about tone to maintain a serene tone 4 at all times. Disciplining all people out of lower tones of Tone 2 expressed resentment and Tone 1.5 anger, to destroy, in hatred. The Emotional Tone Scale Booklet will make all people self aware of their mindset, behavior and physical state.
2) The How to Resolve Conflicts Booklet. To understand the source of a conflict and how to neatralize it by understanding 'Third Party Law' when a third party instigates and perpetuates a conflict based on false data or propaganda due to lower tone mindset and behavior in a Tone 2 Expressed resentment and Tone 1.5 Anger, to destroy with hatred.
3) The Flower King Revolution. The Revolutionary Employment Charity/Cause Fundraising Plan which employs less fortunate people to earn a living wage and raises funds into an organized Umbrella charity/cause network to end poverty, crime, substance abuse, violence, illness and pollution in a united effort for change.
4) The Universal Society. A one world union community website, without borders, that has established a Universal Minimum Income Banking System with a Universal Store partnership with Amazon, Temu and Healthy Planet with a Revolutionary transition to establish an Electric Vehicle Tesla World where every person will own their own Tesla vehicle. Ultimately, an Ethics Office is established to replace the policing and criminal justice system with Scientology at it's core, with Dianetics to end Mental Health issues, Criminon to end crime and Narconon to end substance abuse worldwide.
'The Better Way' & 'The Universal Solution' by Omegaman Casper Salvation
Casper’s Scientology Membership
The Scientology Ethics Manual denounces all forms of psyche. Psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic, hynotherapy, NLP Practitioners; etc. The aforementioned fraudulent professionals are murderers of the body, mind and spirit of humanity. The Church of Scientology will abolish all forms of psyche.

Wrongful Prosecution & Miscarriage of Justice of Gaspare Salvatore Vattiata (Casper Jolie Vattiata Salvation)

Universal Comedy
WOG SP Killer Comedy

Universal Honesty and Respect
This is your train of thought for your equilibrium on the 8 dynamics of life

Truth over Error
Angel over Demon
God over Devil
Right over Wrong
Good over Evil
Wise over Fool
Life over Death
Health over Ailing
Light over Darkness
Mind over Muscle
Noble lady and Gentleman over Corrupt Vixen and Hooligan
Decent over Vulgar
Humanitarian over Barbarian
Rehabilitation over Punishment
Criminon over Operant Conditioning
Narconon over Psyche Therapy
Tone Scale Chart over Anger Management
Constructive Intellect over Conniving Intellect
Enlightenment over Deception
Spiritual over Material
Idealist Artist over Shallow Barbaric Athlete
Ideal World over Material World
Liberation over Suppression
Transcend over Degrade
Equalism over Capitalism
Scientology over Psychology
Dianetics over Psychiatrics
Clear over Abberation
Rational over Irrational
Logical over Illogical
Don't mix company. You are the company that you keep. ARC Triangle in Scientology. Don't give an inch because the fools will take a mile. Just say "Not interested", then disconnect. Finalize with "Good Riddance"

Corporate Pharoah Slaves
Pre Chorus
Where are the pharoahs
Where are the slaves
There are the pharoahs
There are the slaves
Corporate Pharoah Slaves
Economic Slaves
Verse 1
The problem is corporate tyranny
The solution is Universal Society
Verse 2
The problem is shyster hooligan-vixen villainy
The solution is noble lady and gentleman serenity
Verse 3
The problem is aristocratic capitalist slavery
The solution is Universal Society World Equality
Dedicated to my Queen of Angels Angelina Jolie-Salvation
Omegaman Casper Salvation

Analogies are templates to play spiritual games that make life fun, exciting and entertaining.

Terminator 2 Analogy

Red Heat Analogy
The Ultimate Redeemer of Truth and Justice. To filter out all the hooligans, shysters, drug dealers and psychiatric Drug Lords out of the the evolving Soviet Union that was going to be the 'United Schwarzenegger Scientoligist Republic' USSR. Like Richie from Out For Justice with Steven Seagal. Just like Arnold punches out the substance abuse hooligan when seated in the car, "Holigani". It's a Red Heat Redemption with Narconon, Criminon, Dianetics, The Tone Scale Chart, Clean & Clear Centers and CCHR www.cchrint.org. Terminator Teams to terminate WOG SP T 1000 Substance Abusers and psyche people. Psyche people must be terminated. By definition a hooligan lies, cheats, steals, plays mind games and is vulgar. An uneducated shallow ruffian that is into substance abuse, materialism and promiscuity which is a subtle death fraught with peril.
No drugs
Medication Madness by Dr. Peter Breggin
The Role of Psychiatric drugs in violence, suicide and crime.

Star Wars Analogy A Scientology ESP Ability oriented Sci Fi Story to teach the difference between truth vs. error right vs. wrong, good vs. evil. The force vs. the darkside. The Aristocratic Empire Tyranny vs. The Equalist Universal Society of the rebellion.

Gandolf Analogy

Jesus Christ Analogy
Don't Let The Devil Rule You
(Don't Let The Money Rule You)
By Omegaman Casper Salvation

A Trumping 'Dog Eat Dog' Convoluted Mess

Ace Ventura
with his comedy kill of the corruption
like Jesse Ventura
Ace champions through it all through the system. Through the aristocratic capitalist as the Ultimate redeemer of truth and justice, to excercise the demon WOG SPs, through the corrupt WOG SP cops, through the Jack in the 'Box' Boy hooligan with the bat, through the blow job vixen, through the flush the rich aristcrat down the toilet, through the psyche ward with www.cchrint.org and through the landlord Satan shyster. Ultimately, the Ace of Righteousness defeating the 7 deadly sins WOG SP devils.
'Devil Inside' by INXS
'Devil's haircut' by Beck
'Don't Let The Devil Rule You' by Omegaman Casper Salvation
Ace the Righteous Man for 'The Better Way' with his WOG SP Killer Comedy
Speak the truth. Kill the lies.
Than you'll see. Open skies.
...kills the athletes...
The Dan Marino Numbers Game Jock Muscle head trumping capitalists.

Ground Hog Day
Ground Hog Day is about redemption. To learn from you mistakes and to learn from your mistakes and to change our ways for better days like my song 'Groovy' by Omegaman Casper Salvation and 'Hear that sound' by INXS.

Erin Brockovitch
Relative to John Travolta's 'Civil Action' and Russell Crowe and Al Pacino's 'The Insider' to take out corrupt industries that harm us.

...And Justice For All
with Al Pacino
Justice means 'truth'. 'Just' means 'honest'. We want a 'just' society. Meaning a society full of 'honest' beings. The corruption of the system is it is run by Walking Operating Gorilla, Suppressive persons that are bent and obscure in psychobabble, whom are fixated on the self, sexually abberated, trumping capitalists. Freud and BF Skinner whom are the main contributors to psychiatry, psychology and Operant Conditioning through punishment with Psychiatric treatments is the central belief that everything has to do with the 'self dynamic' and 'sex dynamic' as this is sexual abberation, not truth and love that is a serene Tone 4 on the 8 dynamics of life, made as a 'Clear' that is accomplished by the effects of 'Dianetics', 'Criminon', 'Narconon' and the 'Emotional Tone Scale Chart Booklet'.
We are ready for a total reform with the Universal Solution, the Chapter called 'The 7 cogs of the machine of suppression' found in The Universal Book by Casper Vattiata-Salvation

Civil Action
This film is the take down of corrupt industries such as oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, psychiatry, forestry, military and prison industrial complexes Attorney Michael Cameron Moore style. Not Trifling Travolta style like a gloryhound actor.

explained with Scientology. In this Scientology oriented revolutionary film John Travolta through his ESP abilities that he learned in Scientology, especially in the OT Levels, will demonstrate through L Ron Hubbard the greater human potential of the mind and spirit. Conventional Medicine and psyche are fixated in the physical structure of the brain while Scientology delves into the function of the mind and spirit. Psychiatry and Neurology are the physical structure with it's lack of understanding with it's misconstrued physical brain composite, chemistry fixation with serotonin and dopamine while Dianetics & Scientology is the function and learned abilities of the mind and spirit delving into the greater human potential with dormant ESP abilities.
Terra Incognita means uncharted territory which is the Scientology Revolution of body, mind and spirit.
Phenomenon demystified. Great Inspirational Story. John Travolta is a bad man and a shyster actor.

Unlawful Entry
WOG SP cops that are in an Abuse of authority that are in a murder, extortion plot and rape campaign. They lie, cheat, steal, play games and are vulgar.
Jealousy. Closed mind. Corrupt cops don't see. They choose to be blind. Deceptive Capitalist Mind.
Serenity. Open mind. You will see. You won't be blind. Universal Mind.

The Crow Analogy

Reservoir Dogs Analogy
It's time for humanism over barbarism. Humanitarian over barbarian. Rehabilitation with Criminon and Narconon over sadistic punishment of BF Skinner's Operant Conditioning. Michael Madsen like so many are the suppressed and condemned common criminal that has an expressed suppressive complex. Like the abused Circus elephant as the suppressed criminal would trample to death it's abuser 'Circus elephant trainor' with the 'Iron hook' of punishment against the 'Punishment Source' represented as the tied up cop that the 'Circus elephant trainer' represents.
We require Humanism over barbarism.

Dead Man Walking
Dead Man Walking is an expose of the barbaric and inhumane mindset of the conventional psyche 'Think Tank' of BF Skinner. The Scientology revolution will abolish the death penalty because violence will be thwarted by the awareness of the Reactive Mind, substance abuse with Narconon and our behaviors with the Emotional Tone Scale Chart Booklet within the establishment of the Universal Society in World Equalism WE. For equal rights, equal opportunity, equal respect and equal standard of living worldwide. From Walking Operating Gorilla evolving into a Serene Evolutionary Mind.
One for all an all for one in the Universal Sun.

Steven Seagal Analogy

Army of Darkness Analogy

Dragon 'The Bruce Lee Story' Analogy

Road Warrior Analogy
We must never surrender to persevere to drive on our road of life to have unwavering focused concentration without distraction, to remain in truth and love, dismissing the error and wrong as you road warrior it to live in the Universal Sun, on a Highway to Heaven, towards the Universal Society on the horizon.

Braveheart Analogy
We all must be Braveheart. In this scene Robert The Bruce as John Travolta with the Scientology Revolution is sabotaged by the aristocrats.
Freedom Speech
We have full lifeforce on the 8 Dynamics of life to have total freedom.
"This is the defiance of tyranny. Serene to reform the machine"

The Holy Ghost 'Messiah'
Directed by Angelina Jolie, Oliver Stone and Mel Gibson
Reincarnated from his crucifixion into an 1800's Iroquois Rebel Indian warrior whom is martyred against the Whiteman to come back into the present day as a supernatural ghost to judge the corruption of the corrupt in order to redeem the world, freeing us from the corruption that harms us. The Ultimate redeemer of truth and justice. The second coming of Christ. Judgement Day to corrupt villainy everywhere. The Ultimate Redeemer of truth and justice.
By Casper Vattiata-Salvation

James Haven & Angelina Jolie - Executive Producers

Vivienne & Angelina Jolie - Executive Producers & Creative Directors

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Executive Producer & Composer of The Holy Ghost 'Messiah' Musical
The Holy Ghost 'Messiah' Promo Video

Maddox and Pax Jolie-Salvation
Universal Sun Publicity Photographers

Valerie McDermott
Universal Sun Publicity Interviewer
Omegaman Casper Salvation

Omegaman Casper Salvation
Born: July 31, 1975 Vocalist, Songwriter, Composer, Writer, Performer, Activist and Humanitarian.
Over several decades Casper has been in several bands and has worked on many self promoted projects, but due to greed and pride he could not tolerate these situations. So therefore he decided to work as a solo artist, primarily focusing attention on idealist songwriting and experimenting with vocal harmonies.
Casper was born in a small suburb of Toronto, Canada. He grew up in a middle class environment. His father, Jack, was an independent painter and janitor at a local college until his passing in 1990 and his mother, Rose, is an active homemaker. Casper being the eldest of four boys.
As an elementary schoolboy, he was regularly mocked in school because of his moral and ethical upstanding. At a very young age he was considered to be an armchair philosopher by some teachers who saw the promise in his direction. Song and story writing became part of his outlet as he saw through the hypocrisy of the Status Quo.
As a teenager he was considered to be way beyond his years and took a role as a spiritual advisor to his friends and family throughout his evolution as a person and an artist. Casper ‘The Holy Ghost’ as he was nicknamed in high school reflects him as a lyricist and also pertains to songs in which he adheres to. For example, such as John Lennon's 'Imagine' and 'Power to the people', The Door's 'Waiting For The Sun' & 'Universal Mind', Bon Jovi 'The People House' & 'Undivided', Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Peacekeeper’, The Cure's 'Friday I'm in Love', Our Lady Peace's 'Starseed' & 'Innocent', Tea Party's ''Stargazer' & 'Aftermath' , Nirvana's 'Come as you are', 'Pennyroyal Tea' & 'Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle', Soundgarden’s ‘Black-Hole Sun’ & 'Blow up the outside world', Prince's '7', Depeche Mode's 'People are people' & 'I Feel you', Sammy Hagar's 'Little White Lie' & 'Can't Stop Loving You', Tears for Fears' 'Shout', Rage Against the Machine's 'Renegades of Funk', Filter's 'Hey man, nice shot' & 'Take a picture', Train's 'Calling all angels', Buffy Sainte Marie 'God's alive' & 'Universal Soldier', Amy Grant's 'Heart's in motion', Jewel's 'Foolish Games', Garbage's 'Stupid girl' (For stupid people), Madonna's 'Messiah', Nas' 'New World' & 'I can', Akala 'No Enemy Within', Dead Prez 'Police State', Snoop Lion 'Rebel Way', David Bowie's 'The Man who sold the world', 'Starman' & 'New Killer Star', Leonard Cohen's 'Aleluah', Albano and Romina Power's 'Liberta', Bryan Adams' Don't Drop That Bomb On Me', Elvis Presley's 'In the ghetto' & 'If I Can Dream', Foo Fighter's 'The Pretender', INXS' 'Guns In The Sky', 'Hear that sound' & 'Days Of Rust', U2's 'Angel of Harlem' & 'Elevation' (For my Angelina Jolie), Chip Taylor's 'Angel in the morning', Phil Collin's 'Another day in paradise' & 'True Colours', Peter Gabriel's 'Don't give up' & 'Shock the monkey' and especially that of INXS’ ‘The Gift’, from ‘Full Moon, Dirty Hearts’ album which holds true to his heart and quoting Casper, "The Gift I give is gonna last forever!"
As an individual, he finds it fulfilling to mingle with all classes of people, holding true to his ‘Universal Truth and Love’ ideals. His spiritual science is to understand the human spirit in absolute form without bias or prejudice. Keeping an open minded perspective and the filtration of bias seperation like racism, sexism, materialism, sensationalism, capitalism, nationalism, technicalities. tradition, superstition, psychobabble and mysticism is essentially fundamental. A key question is why do you become what you are? The Status Quo judges prematurely without any questions asked contributing to the downward spiral of man. In Truth, the world would be a better place if people were not mislead by the establishment. Society stereotypes a person with 'Technical Traps' whereby through 'Cause and Effect' it manifests itself in various ways, in many cases leading us towards suppression, degradation and corruption. Christ was an example in biblical parables and Casper’s role is similar since he wishes to be the bearer of the Truth. He's been a devoted Scientologist since 1993. Scientology is advanced logic, higher awareness, self improvement, the greater human potential, awakened ESP abilities within the OT Levels and the most effective rehabilitation programs in existance which is the upward spiral of man. His work is Scientology oriented.
Ultimately his goal is to build an ideal world with his Universal Family of Revolutionaries such as Angelina Jolie, Babydoll Angel, John Travolta, Tom Cruise, INXS, U2, Angela Davis, David Suzuki, Greta Thunberg and my Universal Family of Revolutionaries. The masterplan in his book 'The Universal Book' all for an ideal body, mind and world available on Amazon Books by Casper Vattiata (Salvation)
Casper is the ultimate redeemer of truth and justice. He is meant to free us from the corruption that harms us working in partnership with his Queen of Angels, Angelina Jolie-Salvation to lead all Angels into the biggest revolution of all time. A revolution for social, indigenous, health, economic and environmental justice. He is a devoted member of the Green Party wordwide for a revolution in social, indigenous, green health, economic and environmental justice. So every individual has the ability to grow without suppression. Essentially creating peace, harmony and stability spreading from small towns to cities and eventually into the entire world as a whole, united we stand and expand. The green, clean, serene machine. The Green Party Revolution. World as One, Universal Sun. Universal Sun is his up coming album with INXS.. Fitting, isn't it?
Michael Hutchence's spirit will live on forever in Angelina and Casper's gift.
His style of music is diverse and distinct which would appeal to the world audience. Also, his empowering and enlightening lyrical content creates a serene tone, sparking a spiritual inclination in the listener. He wrote ‘Don’t let the devil rule you’, an extension of Michael Hutchence’s ‘The Devil Inside’, which raises one’s awareness of the world and the corruption that harms us. As an artist, his musical compositions display a groundbreaking edge with a wide range of styles, displaying a bold blend of INXS Style techno and straight hard riff rock. Groovy!

6 Members of INXS with Omegaman Casper Salvation and the 4 Angels Sketch 1999 with Madonna

Omegaman Casper Salvation and the 4 Angels Backing Vocalists with Angelina Jolie-Salvation as the Queen of Angels Sketch 1999
The Universal Book

For an ideal body, mind and world. The masterplan for an ideal world. An integration of accumulated idealistic knowledge that is simplified for the reader.
By Casper Vattiata-Salvation
Available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon
“Unite we stand, divided we fall. The truth shall set us free from the corruption that harms us. One for all and all for one in the Universal Sun. Unite and conquer.”
Omegaman Casper Salvation. Casper Vattiata-Salvation
"The Revolution is going to happen with the truth as we open up our minds and create trains of thought to provoke courses of action to improve the world on the 8 dynamics of life."
"Free in form beyond the norm. Ready to conform in the new reform."
Omegaman Casper Salvation. Casper Vattiata-Salvation
Super Holy Babydoll Angel 'The Activist Angel'
Starring Valerie McDermott
Directed by Angelina Jolie
The Ultimate Female Crusader for truth and justice to take on the harmful corrupt industries that are destroying the earth and all that live on it. As she bands together and inspires girls and women everywhere to be activists to help change the world for the better.
Read the Movie Treatments.

The Scientology Revolution
Download The Scientology Solutions Newsletter and watch the Scientology YouTube Channel for the most entertaining short videos to enlighten your mind to free your spirit onto the 8 Dynamics of life.
Heber Jentzsch
Leader of Scientology International
Riverdale Mission
Toronto Org
New York Org
Los Angeles Org
Citizen Commission on Human Rights
Bruce Wiseman
President of CCHR
Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Resolving Conflicts and Third Party Law
To resolve all conflicts on a personal level to a global scale we must understand Third Party Law. Third Party Law is simply when a Third Party instigated and perpetuates a conflict based on cabal, gossip and lies with false data.
Watch the video to get an enlighening detailed account.
Download video it here.
The Emotional Tone Scale Booklet
The Scientifically Precise Measurement to read mindset, behavior and physical state. Learn how to read minds like John Travolta.
No more searching for answers in the obscurity of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. No more fraudulent, misleading psychobabble terms such as PTSD, OCD, ADHD, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Depression, Bi-Polar, Anxiety Disorder; etc. No More DSM Manual myths. Just Tone and Engrams with an Alkaline diet and substance abuse awareness and rehabilitation with Narconon.
Gives everyone the ability to stay disciplined to maintain a serene tone for harmonious interactions with your fellow man.

Have You lived Before this life?
By L Ron Hubbard
Reincarnation Fact or Theory?
Read it to find out the facts around Reincarnation.
Martin Gore of Depeche Mode
For my French Iroqois Queen of Angels, my Angelina Jolie Revolution

Angelina Jolie Revolution

Sanna Marin Revolution
Delegate for the United Nations in the 8 Dynamics of life.

Clean & Clear Centers
The greatest self improvement and rehabilition program in existance for body and mind. The upward spiral of man that adopts the Purification Program from the book 'Clear Body, Clear Mind' by L. Ron Hubbard in unison with the True Science of the mind with Dianetics Auditing Therapy to be the absolute cure to all mental problems that is from the book, 'Dianetics' The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard.
The Clean & Clear Centers will open worldwide in every major city with the Church of Scientology with revolutionary Scientologists such as John Travolta, Elisabeth Moss, Tom Cruise, Giovanni Ribisi, Barry Pepper, Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger & Angelina Jolie-Salvation and myself with our noblest leader David Miscavige.
Clean and Clear Centers will cause an accelerated paradigm shift out of harmful BF Skinner Operant Conditioning, prison and psyche treatment and counseling.
Reference websites:
The Dianetics Auditing Therapy Procedure link below:
Download the Clean & Clear Docx file and pass it around. Let's make a Clean & Clear Revolution happen respectfully, for a substance abuse free, stable, crime free, mentally healthy society.

Mind over Muscle
It’s all based on the truth behind the difference between Jesus and Barabus. Jesus used his mind and acted much in the way as a noble gentleman with serene diplomacy over Barabus whom used muscle, weapons and violence to cause an insurrection instead of a Revolution. Action stars promote ill fated heroes that use violence, weapons and even super powers to defeat a perceived villainy in such films as John Wick, Bourne Identity, Batman, Dark Atom, Fast & The Furious, Fight Club; etc. Mind over Muscle is demonstrated in such films such as Ghandi, Mandela, A Civil Action, Erin Brockovich, Phenomenon, Beyond Borders and especially in our film The Holy Ghost ‘Messiah’ (including all my work with Universal Sun Productions) to awaken the conscience and heighten our awareness in order to free us from the corruption that harms us. We must learn to use serene Tone 4 diplomacy as noble ladies and gentleman instead of being machismo and barbaric in an attempt to overcome adversity and cause a peaceful revolution in the world.
Humanism over barbarism. Humanitarian over barbarian. Hooligans and machismo barbarians are people that are shallow that use physical prowess instead of their spiritual inclination to be a noble lady or gentlemen in a serene Tone 4 of diplomacy. Animal versus spiritual. We need to be noble ladies and gentlemen in a disciplined serene tone 4 to maintain peace and harmony in this world. Hooligans and barbarians have a more anger toned machismo behavior to impose their will over you. Universal honesty and respect in a serene tone on the 8 dynamics of life is the ideal way of the noble lady and gentleman. Serene UN Peacekeepers over anger tone aggressive militants. Jesus over Barabus. Hubbard over Psyches. Truth, peace and love.
Unite and conquer,
Casper Vattiata
'Imagine' by John Lennon
'The Better Way' by Omegaman Casper Salvation
'People are people' by Depeche Mode
7 by Prince

Brad 'The snake' Pitt
The 7 Virtues
over the 7 deadly sins.
"Read this if you are fame & fortune seekers"
From a degraded vixen and hooligan into a noble lady and gentleman.
The 7 deadly sins.
1) Greed
2) Pride
3) Lust
4) Envy
5) Wrath
6) Sloth
7) Gluttony
The opposite 7 virtues.
1) Charity
2) Respect
3) True Love
4) Mutual Respect
5) Serene Peace
6) Good Work Ethic
7) Fit for life (Book by Harvey Diamond)
My Queen of Angels Angelina Jolie-Salvation leads by example.
-Extremely Important-
-For those that want to be rich & famous-
-Read this fully-
"For anyone that is opposed to our World Changing Agenda"
Everytime a self imposed fake friend, hooligan, vixen, shyster, psyche, pretender and capitalist wants to masterbate or come on to Mr. and Mrs. Jolie-Vattiata-Salvation and any Universal Sun Member you will go into eternal apathy as your entire body will calicify and your sexual organs, neck and eye balls will mulsify with ever increasing intensity as your entire bloodstream will intensely coagulate with intense progression as you go into eternal unconsciousness as a brain dead retarded beyond recognition forever. Dead Wrong Retarded Mute. Dead and physically solidified forever.

The Universal Flower King Revolution
Valerie McDermott CEO & Selma Hayek COO of The Universal Flower King Revolution

The Class Action Suit to take down Psychiatry
The Great Michael Cameron Moore that has brought on Class Action Suits against corrupt industries such as Tobacco and the opioid crisis with big pharma must now set his sights on Psychiatry. Psychiatry is nothing more than obscurity, suppression and dehumanization. Michael Moore must put together a class action for wrongful death, negligence, fraud, slander, libel, entrapment and harassment with Criminal Charges of Assault with corrosive substance, Criminal Negligence causing bodily harm and death proven with books by Dr. Peter Breggin against the American Psychiatric Association and CAMH and it's affiliates wordwide including psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic and hynotherapy. Michael must litigate on behalf of the family and friends of the stars that were killed by psychiatry such as Michael Hutchence, Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Chris Cornell, Elvis Presley, Anna Nicole Smith, Michael Jackson, Prince, Francis Farmer and Whitney Houston including the sexual assault and harassment of my babydoll angel Valerie McDermott. INXS, Courtney Love, The Ledger family, Kim Thayil and Soundgarden, Priscilla Presley, The Smith family, The Jackson Family, Prince and his wife Apollonia. This civil action will be championed by Heber Jentzsch as this will garner the attention of the world to shed light about the evils of psychiatry. Expert witnesses Dr. Peter Breggin, Bruce Wiseman and Dr. Bonnie Burtow's protégé especially Dr. Eric Berg will litigate psychiatry to prove it as harmful junk science.
Reference websites:
'Narconon' gives factual evidence about the detrimental effects of street and psychiatric drugs. Review the website to be made aware with available the most effective treatment option in existence.
Books with the incriminating evidence are as follows. Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness and Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry by Dr. Peter Breggin, Psychiatry 'The Ultimate Betrayal' by Bruce Wiseman. The Revolt against Psychiatry by Dr. Bonnie Burstow. Natural Cures by Kevin Trudeau. Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg
All these books must be reviewed and utilized as factual evidence to take down psychiatry. This will garner a world changing revolution and a paradigm shift out of psychiatry and into Scientology.
Unite and conquer,
Psychiatry is Fraud.
Psychiatry is Criminal Negligence.

Criminal Negligence
Directed by
Oliver Stone
Giovanni Ribisi as CCHR Attorney
Jack Nicholson as the Chief of Psychiatry of the American Psychiatric Association
Citizens Commission on Human Rights

Frances Farmer
The Bio Pic
Directed by Pablo Lorrain
Elisabeth Moss as Frances Farmer
In this tragic bio-pic, in the same style of Maria, the true story of Frances Farmer whom was a thriving artist in California that was undermined and subdued by Psychiatry as they turned her family against her in order to extort her estate and rape her as she was held hostage countless times in a psyche ward until her gradual degradation and murder by psychiatry.
'Frances Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle' by Nirvana
Lyrics: "She'll come back as fire to burn all the liars and leave a blanket of ash on the ground"

The Distinguished Gentlemen
Starring John Travolta, Kurt Russell and Angelina Jolie.
A Mr. Smith goes to Washington style movie where it's all about a political revolution in Washington, where 3 brave civil rights attorneys band together to make significant changes in the Senate, in the House of Representatives to cause the biggest revolution the White House and the world will ever experience.
Download the Movie Treatment.

The Whitehouse Revolution
Oliver Stone
Robert Redford as the Green Party elected President
Valerie McDermott as his flamboyant activist daughter
John Travolta as the revolutionary Vice President
Angelina Jolie as the big hearted Humanitarian
Angela Y Davis, David Suzuki, Greta Thunberg, Tantoo Cardinal and Jon Bon Jovi as themselves
Download the Movie Treatment.

B.F. Skinner
This Bio-pic is about a man that created the mindset of the modern day criminal justice system with his research and theories into what is known as Operant Conditioning, a primitive barbaric system that is outmoded and must be replaced with the humanistic Scientology oriented model for rehabilitation.
Download the Movie Treatment.

Reincarnation Messiah
The Reincarnation Messiah starts with the soul and spirit of Jesus Christ as he reincarnates life after life leaving his revolutionary imprint on humanity with every life he lives with every reincarnation. From Jesus Christ to William Wallace to Galileo to Sir Isaac Newton to Geronimo to Jim Morrison and finally the Omegaman. From Alpha to Omega. The Reincarnation Messiah.
Download the Movie Treatment.

A realistic superhero that has powers and abilities based on his Bruce Lee 'Jeet Kune Do' Martial Arts and his ESP abilities within the scope of his Scientology oriented training. As Michael Silver, performed by Barry Pepper, he is a philanthropist, humanitarian, environmentalist, activist, Scientologist and Editor of Humanity Magazine by day and Superhero Universalman by night thwarting the diabolical plans of corporate industrialist Damien Pharoah, performed by John Travolta, whom represents all the harmful corrupt industries in the world. Michael Silver works to save the world from Pharoah's destructiveness and neglect with the help of his love interest Valerie Jolie, performed by Angelina Jolie, an investigative reporter who aims to expose Damien Pharoah's evil industrialized plot to harm the earth and all the live on it.
Download the Movie Treatment.

Space Mission
Roger Christian
John Travolta as Captain
Jim Carrey as Pilot
Nick Kypreos as Science Officer
Will Smith as Security Officer
Forest Whitaker as Secuity Officer
Barry Pepper as Engineer
Michael Pena as Engineer
Giovanni Ribisi as Medical Officer
Elisabeth Moss as Doctor
James Haven as Transport Pilot
Angelina Jolie as Diplomat
Valerie McDermott as Diplomat
Greta Thunberg as the Environmentalist
This Scientology oriented Sci-Fi adventure takes place aboard a Starship called Salvation as all the crew are trained to have ESP abilities through Scientology processing as they venture through the galaxy to resolve all forms of social, health, economic and environmental problems in the universe.
Download the Movie Treatment.

Mafia Messiah Mission
John Landis
John Travolta as Mob Boss
Monica Belluci as Mob Boss Wife
Angelina Jolie as Mobster Wife
Marissa Tomei as Mobster Wife
Elisabeth Moss as Mobster Wife
Valerie McDermott as Mobster Wife
Joe Pesci as Mobster
Al Pacino as Mobster
Danny Devito as Mobster
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hitman
...all the Italians in Hollywood as mobsters...
In this hilarious and inspiring comedy to inspire activism in the world audience, the Mob turns over a new leaf by fighting for social, health, economic and environmental Mafia Style Justice.
Download the Movie Treatment.

The Police Chief Revolution
Directed by
Oliver Stone
Al Pacino as Chief Serpico
John Travolta as the Mayor
Ella Bleu Travolta as the Mayor's daughter
Shiloh Jolie as the Flower King Revolution Campaign Coordinator
Giovanni Ribisi as the Scientologist Police Department Reformer
Tom Cruise as the Civil Rights Attorney
Dr. Peter Breggin as himself endorsing www.cchr.org
Bruce Wiseman as himself endorsing Criminon and www.cchrint.org
Dr. Kathleen Kerr as herself
Billy Sheehan as the ex con endorsing Criminon
Jon Bon Jovi as himself endorsing the JBJ Soul Foundation
Al Pacino reprises his role as the "take no crap" former New York cop that goes up against police corruption yet he has been promoted to Chief of Police of New York City. This time around he he wants to clean house by bringing on a total overhaul of the system by organizing the biggest revolution to reform the New York Police Department and the Criminal Justice System with the help of the Mayor (Travolta), a Scientoligist Police Academy Trainer and reformer (Ribisi) and a hard pressing Civil Rights Attorney (Cruise) with the Church of Scientology. This film will be the most captivating Police drama that the world will ever experience as the story will take you through the greatest revolution in Police Services reform.
An Ixtlan, Jolie Pas and Universal Sun Production.
Download the Movie Treatment.

Homie 'The Clown'
The Revolution
Directed by
Keenan Ivory Wayans
Damon Wayans as Homie 'The Clown'
Jack Nicholson as the Psychiatrist
Heber Jentzsch as Damien Pharoah
Maria Mac as Nurse Emm
Giovanni Ribisi as the Criminal
Michael Pena as the Cop
Will Smith as the Cop
Elisabeth Moss as the Probation Officer
Forest Whitaker as the Prosecuter
Ving Rhames as Judge Kilmmore
Jesse Ventura as Governor Knaven
Angela Y Davis as herself
NAS as himself
David Suzuki as himself
Greta Thunberg as herself
In this hilarious revolutionary comedy done in the same fashion of revolutionary film The Holy Ghost 'Messiah'. Homie takes on the man and the system. The capitalist aristocratic plutocrisy and all if it's figilure heads are judged with his hilarious truth oriented rants just before he socks each tyrant on the head, saying " Homie don't play that!".
Homie judges and socks a suppressive psychiatrist, an asinine uneducated criminal, a machismo barbaric cop, a negligent corrupt governor and a greedy corporate industrialist Tycoon. Angela Y Davis and NAS gives enlightening dialogue as Homie socks the corrupt Republican Governor in all his bribery accepting behavior. Homie give his hilarious yet enlightening rats about social, indigenous, health, economic and environmental justice to tackle issues of crime, poverty, pollution and illness. Exposing the problems met with his ranting solutions followed with a sock on the head.
"Homie don't play that!"
Produced by Universal and Universal Sun Productions.
Download the Movie Treatment.

The Path to Krypton
Directed by
Oliver Stone
Casper Vattiata as Superman/Clark Kent
Angelina Jolie as Lois Lane
Herber Jentzsch as Damien Pharoah
Giovanni Ribisi as Jimmy Olsen
Anglea Y Davis as herself
David Suzuki as himself
Yoko Ono as herself
Harvey Diamond as himself
Kevin Trudeau as himself
In this evolutionary film relaying itself from Superman IV.
The Clark Kent/Superman character has a groundbreaking transformation in his vision of the state of the world. At a Green Peace Convention
Clark Kent interviews public figures such as Indian activist and political revolutionary, Russell Means, Reform activist and author, Angela Y Davis, Geneticist, environmentalist and Humanitarian, David Suzuki, Universal Medicine Advocates & Practitioners, Kevin Trudeau & Dr. Eric, Bruce Lee's wife, Linda Lee Cadwell, John Lennon’s wife, Yoko Ono and Bruce Wiseman with members of The Citizens Commission On Human Rights (www.cchr.org) whom make references to 'Dianetics'-The Modern Science of Mental Health. After the interviews and reading Dianetics, Clark has a startling revelation. He realizes that the way that corporate society is organized is the source of evil after experiencing flashbacks of the Zod Trio from Superman II whom were the 3 individual manifestations of capitalism. All the characteristics embodied by people in society. His realization becomes more evident upon conference with his father Jor-el and the council as they reveal the secret principles that helped organize the great society of Krypton. Together with his father and the council, they help form
'The Universal Society'.
As Superman, he gives a speech to the people of the world warning of the eminent danger of psychiatry and the destructiveness of corporate society. Stealth fully, a corporate mogul by the name of Damien Pharoah reacts by having Lex Luther released from prison with his politcal influences. During this time, Lois Lane has an ongoing business relationship with Pharoah featuring him in The Daily Planet. He puts on a humanitarian front with the facade of caring about the people. Pharoah's plot is to protect his interest in maintaining his corporate empire and to obtain the secret of Superman's immortality. Both Pharoah and Luther team up and concoct a plan to capture 'The Man Of Steel'. They put together an army of assassins with kryptonite-tipped drug shots formulated by Pharoah's team of psychiatrists in his drug companies. Luther creates a monster with kryptonite fangs and claws which has the power to destroy Superman as it kidnaps Lois Lane as hostage.
This will be Superman's final battle as he rids the world of corporate tyranny and makes the world as one as he introduces
'The Universal Society'.
By Casper Vattiata
An Ixtlan, Jolie Pas, Universal, Disney and Universal Sun Production
Download the Movie Treatment.

Great Spirit Alive
Angelina Jolie
Starring in this revolutionary documentary about the American Indian Movement in the Great Spirit.
Angelina Jolie representing her Iroquois heritage.
Valerie McDermott representing her Ojibwe heritage.
Tantoo Cardinal representing her Cree heritage.
Buffy Sainte Marie representing her Cree heritage.
Tatanka Means tribal dancing paying homage to his Late Great father Russell Means.
Buffy Sainte Marie representing the Cree heritage and performing the song 'Where Whitemen Fear to Tread'.
Commemorating the Aboriginal Peoples Spirit in North America, respect for Mother Earth and the importance of women in the Native culture.
Based on the book 'Where White Men Fear to tread' by Russel Means
Download the Movie Treatment.

Hit Song 'Cause or Effect'
performed by Beck.
Listen to the preproduction demo here.

Hit Song 'Nothing Down'
Pre-production performed by Omegaman Casper Salvation.

Hit Song 'Where Whitemen Fear to tread'
For the movie soundtrack of the upcoming film and stageplay 'The Holy Ghost 'Messiah'' and the documentary 'Great Spirit Alive'.
Performed by Buffy Sainte Marie of The Tea Party.
The most effective Criminal Rehabilitation Program in existance with an over 90% success rate with virtually no rate of recidivism.
Order your free correspondence course today on behalf of an inmate or help establish Crimonon in your jail and probation/parole office.
Corrupt Conventional Medicine
is based on drugs and/or surgery with the tests, assessments and procedures that determine what drugs and/or surgery one requires based on the FDA's misleading information.
Read the aforementioned books to know the truth in Restorative, Alternative and Preventative Medicine.
Refer to the brilliant Dr. Eric Berg to provide the truth about the corruption within Coventional Medicine.

Advanced Bio Cell
Regenerateative Medicine
To regenerate the body with Stem Cell Therapy. To regenerate and repair organs, muscles, epidermis cartilage and bones. This is the miracle cure to regenerate the body and turn back the click of aging.
In combination with a Alkaline diet, Organic fresh fruits and vegetables, Organic Cold Pressed Masticating Juicer Juice, Natural Calm, Swiss One Multivitamin Mineral 50mg B Complex, Camomile Tea with Honey, 25 drops of St. John's Wort Tincture in your Camomile Tea and a 1 Hour steady paced walk for optimal health.
Cancer and Degenerative Illnes Cure and Preventation
The 5 Step Cancer Regimen
1) Making the body 'Alkaline' over 'Acidic' by refraining from consuming refined sugars, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, street and pharmaceutical drugs, processed foods and animal products. An 'Alkaline' diet and body is established by consuming Organic fresh fruits and vegetables with Organic cold pressed masticating Juicer Juice. An 'Alkaline' body type makes you resistant to cancer and this regenerates the body from Degenerative Illness.
2) Ozone Therapy in the form of drinking Ozone Water, Ozone insuffalation for Colon cancer, Ozone IV for general Cancer issues & Ozone Sauna for Cancer detox.
3) Vitamin C Therapy as an intense anti oxidant detox therapy to neutralize cancer cells. Administered by IV and supplements for an intense body purification for cancer cells.
4) The Purification Program by L Ron Hubbard is a detox method that utilizing niacin, multi vitamin/mineral supplements, fat replacing oils, 30 minute treadmill exercise and purifying 'Sauna' Sweat out.
5) Flor-Essence Tonic- Two Table spoons twice a day to prevent and cure cancer.
Read these books.
'Secrets of an Alkaline Body' by Jubb
'Fit for Life' by Harvey Diamond
'Clear Body, Clear Body' The Effective Purification Program by L Ron Hubbard
'Alchemy of Disease' by John Whysner
Contact Dr. Eric Berg

Drug Withdrawal Regimen
1) Swiss One Multivitamin 50 mg B Complex. (Take twice a day. Morning and night)
2) Natural Calm (Take twice a day. Morning and night)
3) Camomile Tea with 1 Teaspoon of Organic Honey
4) St. John's Wort Tincture (25 drops in every beverage)
5) Organic Cold pressed Masticating Juicer Juice
6) Organic Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
7) 1 Hour comfortable steady paced walk
Refrain from consuming refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, street and pharmaceutical drugs and animal products.
Follow this life saving regimen to drastically improve your physical, mental and spiritual health to an optimal state.
Touch Assists in Scientology
Reiki is known as an ancient discipline of touch healing that was learned by Jesus Christ during the missing time period in the Gospel where he traveled to Tibet with his Uncle to learn from the Buddha's scriptures. When Jesus Christ came back to Juresalem he performed the miracle to heal the blind man with his Reiki healing ability. The basic mechanics behind Reiki Touch Healing is to understand and utilize the bodies electromagnetism created by food energy (explained in the book Fit for Life by Harvey Diamond) that is transmitted through the cerebral cortex, through the spinal cord, branching out through the entire nervous system, throughout the body, wielded through the hands in order to stimulate healing. Basically, the electromagnetism in the hands with focused touching stimulate the minerals in the flesh and blood, such as zinc, copper, phosphorus, iron; etc to stimulate healing. Jesus Christ healed the blind man by stimulating the ocular nerve which is composed of various minerals.
L. Ron Hubbard is the reincarnated Buddha and he took Reiki Touch Healing Truth and improved an evolved and perfected version of Touch Healing called Touch Assists.
Watch the video download to understand how you can become a true healer.

Fit for Life
By Harvey Diamond
The Science of nutrition. To shatter the myths and to bring humanity into an optimal state of health. Living food versus dead food. Living food consisting of organic fresh fruits and vegetables versus the detrimental effects of eating dead processed food such as animal products and processed food that impedes on health which lowers life expectancy, vitality and overall optimal physical and mental health. This book puts strict emphasis on the fact that maintaining a raw plant based diet creates and 'alkaline' body type versus an 'acidic' body type which makes you prone to degenerative disease and illness especially cancer. An 'alkaline' body type with an 'alkaline' diet is the greatest way to prevent cancer with absolute certainty.
Download the 'Fit for life" PDF below to read this life changing synopsis then buy the book.

The Science of the mind
Dianetics is the true Science of the mind. Psychiatry is the physical structure over function with its junk science theories that put obscure notions fixated to brain chemistry which suppresses the optimal function of the minds potential by imposing suppresive labels and treatments. Psychiatry is nothing but push button stimulus response to enslave a vulnerable person within their traumatic memories, better known as engrams in Dianetics that are a Reactive Mind response impeding on our Analytical Mind suppressing the greater human potential. Dianetics is a therapy type method to discharge and free us from painful emotion engrams from the Reactive Mind to bring us into a state of Clear for an optimal state of physical and mental health and spiritual freedom.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights
A Human Rights Psychiatric abuse advocacy organization that's aim is to expose the Suppressive and dehumanizing conduct of the psychiatric industry. CCHR's top priority is to abolish Psychiatry and provide legal counsel to psychiatric abuse victims.
Make complaints on the websites.
All psychiatrists are in Criminal Negligence, Fraud, Slander, Libel, Entrapment and Harassment.
Refer to Dr. Peter Breggin's books Toxic Psychiatry, Medication Madness and Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry.
Umbrella Charity/Cause Network

Universal Society
This is the most important worldwide community website the world will ever know. World Equality, World Equalism into becoming this One World Union of equal rights, equal opportunity, equal respect and equal standard of living. This website will be the catalyst for the most anticipated revolution the world will ever know. We will be established by David Suzuki (Tesla), Andy Jassy (Amazon), Robert Iger (Disney) and Oliver Stone with Peter Kramer and Lucian Grainge representing Universal worldwide with Herber Jentzsch and John Travolta representing Scientology International, as the Industry standard for Universal Music and Studios, everything overseen by Universal Sun Productions (www.universalsun.org) in order to filter out all the corruption within the entertainment industry. The Universal Society website is the most important Revolution that the world will ever know establishing a cooperative, non monetary, self sustaining 'Universal Society' with a core government exclusive to the World Green Party with World Equalism WE with Arnold Schwarzenegger as President, Jesse Ventura as Vice President and David Suzuki and Angela Y Davis as advisors with Universal Scientology at its core with Heber Jentzsch and John Travolta. The Universal Society 'US' will create the ideal website 'Universal Mind' community as a collective mindset of World Equalists and World Equalism. For equal rights, equal opportunity, equal respect and equal standard of living based worldwide Based on the book:
'The Universal Book' - For an ideal body, mind and world.
By Casper Vattiata-Salvation
Download the book for free on this website.
Download the 'Universal Society 1975 Revolution.docx'
Tesla Revolution
with David Suzuki and Greta Thunberg
Tesla in partnerships with NBC Universal with The Green Party Revolution with Beck Taxi in a pilot project to implement the Green Telsa Taxi Cabs to replace the combustion engine. All endorsed by NBC Universal worldwide with Jesse Ventura, Elizabeth May, David Suzuki and Greta Thunberg with The Green Party for environmental justice in Toronto and the world. The Green Clean Serene Tesla Taxi Machine. The catalyst for world domination to replace combustion engine vehicles with Tesla Vehicles and Charging Stations the world over. Tesla will offer a trade-in your vehicle recycling option to rebate the purchase of a Tesla Vehicle.

The Green Party Revolution
The Universal Solution
"For the Ideal World"
The Back Up Plan

The Green Party Revolution with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura
Jesse Ventura is absolutely correct to state that both the Republicans and Democrats are based in a system of bribery. All government officials are bribed to invest taxes into corrupt industries that the Green Party is focusing on abolishing. The Green Party Revolution spearheaded and unified by Arnold Schwarzenegger as President, Jesse Ventura as Vice President including running mates such as Jill Stein, Butch Ware, Mark Cuban, Angela Y Davis, Angelina Jolie, John Travolta, (Steven Seagel's On Deadly Ground end of movie Green Party speech) amongst our Green Galileo Gang will abolish all forms of corrupt industries to reform society into an ideal state existence. The Green Clean Serene Machine.
The Green Party is United with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura.
Social, indigenous, health, economic and environmental justice.
Unite and conqueur.
The Universal Solution.

Elizabeth May
The Green Party Revolution

Steven Seagal
and the Green Party Speech